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I am a 4th year PhD researcher at TU Delft, studying AI system safety in public policy applications.

I'm researching how contextual factors shape how and why sociotechnical systems are designed, developed, and deployed, and what situated design practices we need to build safe data-driven and algorithmic systems.

I am fortunate to be advised by Profs. Roel Dobbe, Neelke Doorn, & Virginia Dignum.

Previously, I was a Research Fellow at the Data Science for Social Good Foundation, based at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, where I researched sociotechnical systems in Public Employment Services (PESs).

Research Questions
🔬 How can public service agencies adopt data science tools to better serve the public?
🤹🏾 How can we interoperate the knowledge of internal expert communities across a public service agency?
👩🏻‍💻 How do different stakeholders in a public service agency (citizens, case workers, management) interact with and perceive AI systems?
⚖️ What ethical questions arise when applying machine learning methods to public policy issues?
🙋🏿‍♂️ What mechanisms may be used to avoid “deciding for” the candidate what interventions are “best for them”, and instead actively engage them in deciding for themselves? (How can that control be integrated into the computational architecture of the system?)
🏛️ How can we ensure the affordances of such a system are aligned with normative notions of social justice and welfare in this specific context?

My research is necessarily interdisciplinary, and is informed by machine learning, human-computer interaction, critical data science, science and technology studies, sociology and political philosophy.


In a previous life I studied auditory cognitive neuroscience and worked as a research engineer for environmental sound recogntion applications for IoT and birdwatching.

I also play experimental guitar, short-circuited amplifier, and records.

Photo: Raquel Wise, for SÁBADO